Friday, August 14, 2015

Stage Eight - classmate post blog critique

A post in the blog The Lone Star State Diary titled Waking Up in Texas to Clean Fresh Air was written with what seems to be the hope of combating global warming.

Let's make something clear before I proceed: besides not buying into the whole "global warming is our fault" scheme, I feel that it is part of the natural course of action that the planet is on.  I mean, there was an Ice Age and before that there was a tropical climate everywhere.  I think there's supposed to be global warming.

Moving on.  The idealistic nature of the listed points in the post is the main issue as I feel that none of them hold much water.

1.The plan has been revised and worked on for a long time and the final plan is more flexible and fair.

I feel the aforementioned plan is very limited and as the population continues to grow the desire/need for more power plants will also grow so any reduction in the current structure will be a drop in the bucket by the time the mandated deadline arrives.

2. It will strengthen and move the programs that are trying to achieve a cleaner environment faster and better.

I think that this plan will not impact other programs as the continued incursions into the environment will occur with the harvesting of the natural resources that continually appear underground.

3.  If all states in America adopt to this goal, it will motivate other countries especially China to come up with ideas to make our home, Earth healthier.

China and India are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to pollution and, like their population rise, they have made very limited moves to decrease it.

4. The plan's commitment and dedication is shown by having customized goals for each state to decrease the air pollution.

The plan is one thing, but actions are what counts.  As previously mentioned, I feel the growing population will create growing demand for energy and I also feel that most people are not willing to sacrifice creature comforts like air conditioning for the good of the environment.

Overall, the post was put together well albeit with a lot more hope than my curmudgeony self has.

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